In The Thralls of Ecstacy
"The Pavlo-37 virus originated in a wet market in some dog-ass-eating country," I typed on my laptop, suddenly wanting to write again after 12 years of not writing a word. I was inspired to write after a long drug-induced hiatus. There wasn't a drug I didn't do, but none of them adequately satisfied me. None of them opened my mind or quenched my curiosity — they only wasted my time. The Pavlo-37 Virus did not, in fact, originate in a wet market in some dog-ass eating country. It originated in a laboratory and was "accidentally" released killing 200 million people, especially the old, and incidentally saving various governments billions of dollars in retirement and healthcare costs. This has happened before. 17 years ago, to be precise. Writers need permits. "Words are often dangerous expressions of subconscience thought," the government decreed in the Antediluvian Accords. "Hate speech is often unintended, but no less harmful." The fede...